Internship (f/m/x) in EU Liaison Office starting September 2025 (Location Brussels // 38.5h)

We are looking for motivated students (f/m/x) in our office located in Brussels (duration 6 months, full time) starting in September 2025


At a glance:


Start: September 2025
Working hours: full time (38,5h/week)
Location: Brussels
Duration: 6 months



These tasks are waiting for you:


  • Monitoring and analyzing the activities of the EU institutions (European Commission, Council and European Parliament) in Brussels regarding possible effects on the Raiffeisen Banking Group

  • Cooperation in the examination of legislative proposals

  • Support in the preparation of position papers

  • Preparation of presentations and events

  • Assistance with general office work 



We are looking for someone who:


  • Is currently studying in the fields of law, economics and/or political science

  • Is willing to move to Brussels for the duration of the internship

  • Has solid knowledge of the European Union and its institutions is required, EU background is an advantage

  • Brings previous experience in banking and financial services

  • Has a high degree of commitment

  • Is able to work independently, team player, communicative

  • Has excellent knowledge of English and German, French is an advantage

  • Has good MS Office skills



What's in it for you?


  • Work & Study: gain experience in the international banking environment & boost the balance of your bank account
  • Onboarding: enjoy an easy start - a buddy from your team will take you along
  • Community: network internally with other students 
  • Corporate Benefits: shopping vouchers from the staffs' council (eg. supermarkets), free museum tickets, attractive sports offers etc.
  • We pay an attractive monthly student salary of gross EUR 2,464.63 (on a basis of 38.5 hours) 



Bei Fragen bezüglich unseres Bewerbungsprozesses, wirf gerne einen Blick auf unsere Website oder unsere FAQ.


Ihr Kontakt:

Sandra Perkin
Talent Acquisition Students & Interns

Foto Sandra Perkin


Als Raiffeisen Bank International zählen wir über 17 Millionen Kund:innen in Österreich und 12 weiteren Ländern in Zentral- und Osteuropa. Diesen Erfolg haben wir unseren talentierten Mitarbeiter:innen zu verdanken. Wir sind stets bemüht ein Arbeitsfeld zu schaffen, in dem sich jede:r entfalten kann und stolz darauf, allen die gleichen Chancen zu bieten, unabhängig von Alter, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder Herkunft. Diversität und Inklusion sind wesentliche Bestandteile unserer Vision und Mission und spiegeln sich in unseren Werten wider: Zusammenarbeit, Proaktivität, Lernen und Verantwortung. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, ein hervorragendes Kundenerlebnis zu bieten.

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